Sardinia - Norbello I and II

Location: Industriezone 2D, 09070 Norbello (OR), Sardinien, Italien

Inverter: SMA, Refusol

Module: Solarwatt, Trinasolar; polykristallin

Collector area: 20.300 m²

Peak performance: Nobello I 1,593 MWp - Nobello II 1,323 MWp (2,916MWp)

Energy output: Nobello I 2,3 GWh/a - Nobello II 1,9 GWh/a (4,2 GWh/a)

Investment volume: 8,3 Mio Euro

Putting into operation: December 2011 und March 2013

The south-facing ground-mounted photovoltaic system is located in Sardinia - approx. 140 km north of Cagliari. The open areas at Norbello I are 25,000 m² (collector area 11,200 m²) with a yield of 2.3 GWh/a and Norbello II is 20,000 m² (collector area 9,100 m²) with a yield of 1.9 GWh/a. The energy generated is fed into the grid and remunerated in accordance with Italian subsidy guidelines (conto energia IV).